Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The Nature of Mankind

Something I wrote when I was fed up of algebra. I normally write poems but somehow I ended up writing this instead.

It is in the nature of mankind to form groups and societies where only the selected are welcome, where only certain beliefs and ideas are maintained and where those harboring other thoughts are bound to be ridiculed or exiled. It is in the nature of mankind to promote free speech and expression and then to discriminate on the words spoken before listening to what is said. It is in the nature of mankind to assume their supremacy above all others in this world, to refuse to learn from their mistakes because we refuse to acknowledge them at all. It is in the nature of mankind to do as we please and then to turn away from the consequence, leaving a trail of fury and hatred behind. It is in the nature of mankind to create havoc and mayhem and to leave behind a mess that can never be cleaned. It is in the nature of mankind to do as only we can do; to be as only we can, to talk as only we can, to walk this Earth as only we can.

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